VOBK 2026 - Vlaams Open Brassband Kampioenschap - 18/19 april 2026

The rules for the VOBK 2024

The purpose of these regulations is to create a clear operating framework for the Flemish Open Brass Band Championship, which will be called VOBK hereafter. The regulations were originally drafted in Dutch. The Dutch text is the only binding text; translations are purely informative.


The VOBK 2024 will be fought in four sections

Admission to the sections

Only brass bands using the standard instrumentation of a brass band will be admitted to the competition.

Registration: each participating brass band must deposit a list (PDF please) with the names of the musicians who will participate in the contest, including the name of the conductor. This list must be delivered in time (see deadlines) to the organisation via the contact address.

The list of musicians and conductor includes:

This list must be complete to be accepted.

A musician is not permitted to perform with more than one brass band in the same section.

No musician may play more than one different brass instrument within the same brass band unless required by the score. A brass player is permitted to supplement the percussion section.

The conductor is not permitted to play an instrument in the brass band he or she conducts, nor within the same section in which his or her brass band competes.

No rehearsals will be allowed in the competition hall during the competition weekend.

A rehearsal room is provided.

The organisation reserves the right to assign a registering band to a different division than the one for which originally entered. This consideration could be made, for example, based on the difficulty of the submitted program or past performance at other competitions.

Composition of a participating brass band

The brass band may consist of a maximum of 35 musicians, percussion included. The instrumentation includes: soprano cornet, cornet, tenor horn, flugel horn, euphonium, baritone, trombone, bass trombone, Eb bass tuba, Bb bass tuba, percussion.

Only in sections C and D a slight deviation on the number of musicians will be allowed.

Date and location of the 2024 VOBK

The competition will take place in the City Theatre of Mechelen on:

Insurance of participating brass bands

Each participating brass band must be insured for civil liability.

The instruments used are entirely the responsibility of the participating brass band. Under no circumstances can the organisation be held responsible for accidents, theft, loss or damage to the instruments.


Entry form

Participation is only possible after timely online registration (see deadlines). The organisation reserves the right to add bands to the field of participants after the registration deadline.

Entry fee

An amount of 300 Euros must reach the organisation in time (see deadlines) via the account with number BE17 7509 4996 5521 stating 'registration VOBK 2024 + name brass band'.

Non-Belgian brass bands make an international transfer of 300 euros via
AXA Bank, IBAN: BE17 7509 4996 5521 / BIC: AXA BBE22.

The registration is only admissible when the registration form and the registration fee are in the organisation's possession in time. The band is certain of participation only after receiving confirmation from the organisation. The registration fee also ensures that the musicians have access to the hall during the performances of the section in which they perform (on Sunday, all-day access is included).


All cancellations must be made in writing at the contact address. Cancelling bands are not entitled to a refund of the entry fee under any circumstances.

Responsibility of the brass bands

Despite all efforts of the organizers, something can always go wrong regarding the communication between the organisation on the one hand and the brass band on the other hand. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the brass band to ensure that it has all the information, regulations and details in its possession. If the brass band does not receive any news from the organisation within the set deadlines, it is up to the brass band to signal this to the organisation so that the necessary action can be taken.

Schedule of the contest

Participation order and draw

For all divisions, the order of participation will be determined by draw, organised online prior to the competition.

Available percussion equipment

In order to reduce set-up times of the brass bands, the VOBK will provide the following percussion material:
list of available percussion.

Each participating brass band must provide all other necessary percussion material itself. If a participating brass band has special requirements, it can contact RoGa percussion in time and on its own initiative (see deadlines) for a quote. Additional costs will be borne by the participating brass band.

The jury

The VOBK appeals to an international, impartial jury. This jury will be working open, not in a box.


The performance will have the following maximum duration:

Transfer time between two bands will be a maximum of 10 minutes (all included). Each band must be able to begin the performance within the 10 minutes after its predecessor steps down. This will be closely monitored: points will be deducted if this rule is not observed.

The program will consist of the following components.

The complete musical programme with which the brass band wishes to perform must be made known in writing to the organising committee in good time (see deadlines) via the contact address.

The prizes

A prize will be awarded to the first three orchestras in each division. The organizing committee can offer a substantial prize pool. In addition, the organizing committee pays extra attention to other prizes. Details about these will be announced during the competition weekend.


For each work to be played, the participating brass band must send three copies of the score in time (see deadlines) to the organising committee via the contact address.
Bands coming from outside the European Union contact for this point via the contact address.

The organizers assume the charges for performance rights. The participants are themselves responsible for the correct observance of the further regulations regarding copyright and reproduction rights. If the participating brass band does not wish to run any risk, he can either work with originals only, or negotiate a written agreement with composer or publisher to copy the executive score on the grounds of a one-time and short-term use for the benefit of jury members.


Each performance will be scored at 100 points per adjudicator.

Concerts of participating bands

In order to promote wind music, the organizing committee organizes concerts in downtown Mechelen. Interested bands can notify the contact address.


Sleeping, eating and drinking

Mechelen offers a lot of pleasant options. Contact us at the contact address for more information.
